Baru-baru ini, Paypal memperbolehkan verifikasi akun dengan kartu debit/ATM, dengan syarat, seperti email balasan dari customer service paypal di inbox saya berikut:
Thank you for contacting PayPal Customer Support. My name is Faz and I am happy to assist you with your request on verifying your account without using a credit card.
Please do not worry. If you do not have a credit card, the only other way to verify is that, you can always use a debit card instead as it is easier to obtain. If you already have a debit card, please make sure that it has a Visa, MasterCard or American Express logo displayed on it. Kindly ensure that your bank offers an international online banking facility for the card you are using. You may need to confirm with your bank first regarding this status before proceeding further.
• In Indonesia, ordinary ATM cards cannot be used for online transaction including PayPal
• Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank Bumi Putera offer suitable Debit Cards for PayPal verification. ANZ debit cards can also be used to verify your PayPal account
• Not all debit cards in Indonesia can be used for PayPal verification
• Our system does not accept VCC (Virtual Credit Cards)
Here’s how to link and confirm your card:
1. Go to and log in to your account.
2. Click ‘Profile’ near the top of the page.
3. Click 'My money.'
4. Click 'Update' beside 'Debit and credit cards.'
5. Click ‘Link and Confirm My Card.’
6. Click ‘Save and Continue.’
If you have trouble completing these steps then you can access it directly by logging into your PayPal account and visiting
We’ll charge your card USD 1.95. This charge and a 4-digit PayPal code appear on your card statement within 2 to 5 business days. The code sequence appears as PayPal*1234CODE or PP*1234CODE. You will need the first 4 digits to confirm your card. We will refund the charge to your PayPal account immediately once you have confirmed your card.
If you can’t access your online statement or this 4-digit code is unavailable online, check your next paper statement for this code. We cannot provide you with the 4-digit confirmation code by any other method.
Here’s how to enter the 4-digit PayPal code to confirm your card:
1. Click ‘Profile’ near the top of the page.
2. Click 'My money.'
3. Click 'Update' beside 'Debit and credit cards.'
4. Click ‘Link and Confirm My Card.’
5. Enter the 4-digit PayPal code and click ‘Submit.
Please note that currently, we are supporting the debit or credit card with Visa or International Master Card logo and American Express card. Therefore, we recommend you to contact your bank issuer and ask them to issue you at least a debit card for verification purpose. In addition, you also can use the debit card as your alternative funding source with PayPal.
These are the benefits of getting verified:
• We lift your withdrawal and sending limits
• You can send payments using your debit card or credit card
• You gain more credibility with sellers and buyers
• Confirming your identity builds stronger security for you and the PayPal network
We apologies for any inconvenience caused, we hope your verification issue will be resolved in near future.
It is my pleasure to assist you to resolve your issue. Thank you for choosing PayPal. Your satisfaction is important to us. We welcome your feedback and hope you recommend us to your friends and family in your lovely country Indonesia. Have a great day!
Faz Yusof
PayPal Resolution Services
PayPal, an eBay Company
Copyright© 2012 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.
Segera setelah menerima email ini, saya log in ke akun paypal saya untuk verifikasi dengan kartu debit BRI. Namun...muncul error, dengan tulisan:
Add Credit or Debit Card
This credit card has been denied by the bank that issued your credit card. For details on why your credit card was denied, please contact your credit card issuer's customer service department. Or, you may want to try adding a different credit card.
Jadilah saya menghubungi pihak bank BRI. Pihak BRI unit dan cabang yang saya datangi ternyata juga kebingungan . Mereka menyatakan Kartu debit saya masih aktif, berlogo MasterCard, dan BRI memang memiliki suatu "agreement" dengan Paypal. Pada akhirnya mereka meminta maaf karena tidak bisa membantu . Saya disarankan menghubungi sendiri call center BRI. Setelah diinterogasi mengenai biodata dan nomor kartu ATM di call center, saya dianjurkan mengunjungi kantor BRI tempat saya membuka rekening. Meskipun sangat jengkel dioper ke sana- ke mari, karena penasaran saya datangi kantor tersebut. Usut punya usut, setelah, entah manajer atau kepala unit BRI yang saya datangi menelpon pihak IT BRI, saya diberi penjelasan bahwa kartu debit/ATM BRI tidak bisa digunakan untuk verifikasi Paypal. Ini merupakan keputusan BRI yang bertujuan menarik lebih banyak customer untuk memiliki kartu kredit BRI, yang bisa digunakan untuk verifikasi Paypal.
Jadi, jika di bank lain ada yang yang memiliki kartu debit/ATM berlogo VISA/MasterCard tapi tidak bisa digunakan untuk verifikasi paypal, mungkin memiliki penyebab yang sama seperti yang saya alami dengan BRI.